
Sunday, January 5, 2014


Just finished reading 'Men in White -the Untold Story of Singapore's ruling Political party' during these days of doing nothing.

On Page 361: Ong Pang Boon lamented that Singapore is a PARVENU society where if a person was not successful, he would be forgotten and neglected. "Thus, the Old Guard members, once they retired, were often neglected as 'losers'. Their contributions would be buried and forgotten," he lamented.
This feeling more or holds true for me. Time and tide waits for no man. When someone in school tells you to 'keep in touch' it sounds hollow because many of them would not do so!!!!. The service, let alone the school will not remember you. Don't expect anything or anyone to be different. Just move on taking your past along.
Below is the appreciation certificate given out to me during the staff meeting at the end of December 2013.

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