
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

School's Lap Dogs

The Lap Dogs
The recent case about the inappropriate behaviour of ACS(I) principal towards his lovely lap dog showed just some of the things that happened in schools often enough. The 'lap dog' concerned thought that he was on the way up the ladder by being the P's aide, having a seat in his office and didn't mind other staff calling him an 'office boy'. This is how low a person can go to move up the ladder and these people aren't ashame of it.
In normal schools, you can see such actions being acted out. Have you ever noticed the VIP table during staff dinners or gatherings? They are usually filled by people who would not mind laughing at the school leaders' lame jokes, boastful achievements or their boring life stories. These lapped it all up and will stroke the egos of the leaders. They will want to sit as close to the school leaders as possible...lapping up everything. Unfortunately, these lappers are usually promoted and the show goes on...

EO with 34 years of service

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